These meetings aren’t really soggy – unless it’s because the Living Water has poured out all over them.
All of my information in this area has come from text messages. I’m sorry I don’t have more details but I’m sure this will be a good story to hear in its entirety when the men return home. Some of this is my own comments and thoughts mixed in with what I’ve pieced together from multiple text messages.
Jimmy has continued to meet with Sog each day. At first, the group had some apprehensions as to why a member of such a prominent religious family was seeking Kap and Chica out specifically. The concerns were that the man might have ulterior motives for wanting to know more about the work they are doing and the stories of the Bible. The group strategized and urgently pleaded with God for discernment, as did many of us here at home. They felt peace with continuing the meetings and so Jimmy and Sog have met each day.
Wednesday’s meeting –
Sog brought a copy of Isaiah 53 with him to discuss on this day. I don’t know how he happened to have a copy of that chapter or why he chose to bring it with him. I knew from Jimmy’s comments that it is a strongly prophetic passage regarding Jesus’ crucifixion. That night I read it myself. Even if you also didn’t recognize the Scripture reference, you’re probably familiar with many of its verses. I encourage you to take a moment and read it. Few other places in the Old Testament present the Gospel message so clearly! I believe God is working in the life of this young man.
(If you don’t have a Bible handy, hover your mouse over the reference at the beginning of this paragraph and it will appear in a pop-up.)
Thursday’s meeting –
The two men read Genesis 22. They discussed the difference between the Bible and the Koran. The Bible teaches God’s promises to Abraham passed down through Isaac while the Koran states His promises passed down through Ishmael. Jimmy asked Sog if a Christian can become a Muslim, and he answered yes. Jimmy then asked him if a Muslim can become a Christian, and he answered yes to that as well. That is already a huge step for a person of the Muslim community. Jimmy requested that they pray together. After Sog agreed, Jimmy asked him for prayer requests. Jimmy prayed for each of his requests – to grow in the knowledge of the Bible, to continue to learn English, for a future wife, and to be able to go to heaven. I encourage each of you to pray for this young man as well. May the true God open the eyes of his heart.