Thursday, September 23, 2010


The Women's Ministry at LJBC has teamed up with the Missions Committee and Mark West, Program Director for the Theotherapy Project and the Rivera Homes in Nashville, TN, for an exciting new project.  As women transition from the Tennessee correctional facilities back into society, they are in need of many basic clothing and toiletry items.  The goal of the LJBC Women's Ministry is to send each new woman a personal note, a gift card for Target or Wal-Mart, and a personalized, embroidered pillowcase as she enters one of the Rivera Transition Homes.

Beyond providing for a few of their physical needs, the Women's Ministry is hoping to touch the hearts of the women on a spiritual level with the message that they are created unique and are precious to God.  For women who have known a life of rejection, abuse, and violence, an unexpected message of hope and a personalized gift might be something they have rarely, if ever, experienced before.

A special thanks goes out to the Womens' Ministry at LJBC!