Tuesday, December 20, 2011

God's Already Working in the Haiti Trip

Four LJBC members will be leaving in January to help minister at the Haiti Home of Hope orphanage run by Bill and Jennifer Campbell. In these weeks building up to the trip, we have been blessed to see God already working as we prepare for the trip. Here are two stories where He has made Himself known.

Although finances are tight for all, the Barnett family in particular wondered where the money would come from to pay for the trip. Their concern was doubled as they have two family members going. Despite their reservations, they felt led to join the group. As soon as they committed by faith to go, Mr. Barnett started being allowed to work overtime at his job. They used the extra pay towards the trip until both sets of fees were fully paid. Interestingly, as soon as the necessary amount was reached, he was no longer given any overtime by his employer.

Deborah and I are the other two LJBC members participating in the trip. Awhile back I mentioned to Deborah that all of the women going are capable in design and organization. She joked, “Should we do an Extreme Makeover: Home of Hope Edition?” No more was said of our idea then or in the weeks to come.

Meanwhile, Jennifer was home in the states. While here, she attended a Celebrating Home party. She purchased a small piece of artwork; although she kept it to herself, in her mind she decided it would be the inspiration to decorate her room at the orphanage.

Fast forward a few weeks. Jennifer, Deborah, and I met for lunch to discuss our activities for the upcoming trip. We discussed the usual: games with the kids, craft projects, home visits, etc. I sensed I needed to keep pushing and then Jennifer shared, “Well, there is one thing but I hate to ask.” We encouraged her to go ahead. She continued, “Bill and I had a horrible wall color the ten years we lived in Kansas City. We moved to the orphanage and our room is the same color as our room in Kansas City had been. For twenty years of marriage, we have had the same awful color. I decided while I was here that I want to make our room nice as it is the only place we have that is for just the two of us.” Deborah and I jumped at this opportunity. Before long we had a new wall color picked, bedding purchased within a few days, and more still in the works.

Now some may be thinking, “Really? They’re going to decorate a room?” Let me explain this isn’t a case of extravagance. For ten years they have lived with no closet or storage for their clothing of any kind. Nothing decorates their walls except ugly paint. No coverings adorn their window and not even a lamp sits by their bed. Every waking hour of every day they are in Haiti is dedicated to taking care of the children. As I told Jimmy and others about our lunch conversation, I was blessed to the point of tears that not only was God desiring to bless Bill and Jennifer in this way but He had chosen our group through which to bless them.

These two events reveal God is working through this trip. I’m confident of speaking on behalf of all of us going when I say that we are looking forward to being part of what God has planned through this short-term mission experience. Stay tuned…more to come in the weeks ahead!